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IntelliRupter ® PulseCloser

S&C’s IntelliRupter PulseCloser is a breakthrough in over¬head distribution system protection. IntelliRupter features S&C’s revolutionary PulseClosingTM Technology—a unique means for verifying that the line is clear of faults before initiating a closing operation. Pulseclosing is a superior alternative to conventional reclosing. It significantly reduces stress on system components as well as voltage sags experienced by customers upstream of the fault.

IntelliRupter Handles All Your Application Needs

IntelliRupter offers outstanding protection for 60-Hz distribution systems from 11.43 kV through 27 kV, and 50-Hz systems from 10 kV through 24 kV. It features a generous continuous-current capability of up to 800 amperes and a fault interrupting rating of 12,500 amperes symmetrical. Models are available with or without an integrated, interlocked disconnect for visible air-gap isolation. All switching is performed internally, for reliable all-weather operation.
In standalone fault interrupter applications, IntelliRupter’s PulseClosing Technology enhances power quality by minimizing momentary interruptions. For example, on a radial circuit, IntelliRupters can be configured so that after one IntelliRupter opens to isolate a fault, those downstream of it open on loss of power and send SCADA exception reports indicating status and the reason for opening. When power returns, each IntelliRupter pulsecloses to verify that its line segment is unfaulted, then recloses to restore service . . . it will never close into a fault. Cold-load inrush is mitigated because only one line segment is energized with each closing. No communication system is required to take advantage of inrush mitigation.

Fully Compatible with IntelliTEAM II

When IntelliRupter is furnished with an appropriate control group, it can be readily integrated into an S&C IntelliTEAM II® Automatic Restoration System. After IntelliRupter has isolated a fault, IntelliTEAM II makes full use of multiple sources to restore unfaulted line segments. IntelliTEAM II minimizes the number of customers experiencing an extended power interruption, tremendously improving your System Average Interruption Duration Index. IntelliTEAM II can handle multiple contingencies too.
IntelliRupter is fully compatible with IntelliTEAM II- equipped S&C Scada-Mate® Switches, Scada-Mate CXTM Switches, Remote Supervisory PMH and PME Pad-Mounted Gear, and Remote Supervisory Vista® Underground Distribution Switchgear.

Easy Up—Easy On

IntelliRupter is totally self-contained. Embedded voltage and current sensors provide three-phase monitoring of line current and three-phase monitoring of line voltage on both sides of each interrupter.
The embedded sensors eliminate the cost, clutter, and complexity of separately mounted sensors. Since IntelliRupter is line-powered, external transformers are unnecessary. All system components are contained in the base for easy, one-lift installation.

A New Concept in Controls

IntelliRupter includes a control group comprised of a hookstick-removable protection and control module and a communication module mounted in the base. This flexible, low-maintenance arrangement offers excellent immunity to surges and noise induced by normal power line events such as faults and lightning strikes, and minimizes pole clutter.
The protection and control module provides point-on¬wave closing to minimize asymmetrical fault current and inrush current. It features a complete set of protection and control elements, including:

  • Simultaneous independent directional phase, ground, and negative-sequence time-overcurrent elements, instantaneous-overcurrent elements, and definite-time elements,
  • Directional blocking of overcurrent elements,
  • Intelligent fuse saving overcurrent elements, and
  • Overvoltage/undervoltage elements.

The protection and control elements enable sequence coordination, phase unbalance detection, and synchro-nization check functions, and include a cold-load pickup modifier. Comprehensive diagnostics are included.

The communication module provides a short-distance, secure WiFi communication link to a nearby personal computer. It’s powered from the distribution line, through the integral power module(s). A sophisticated 20-channel Global Positioning System chip set in the communication module provides 1-ms accurate time-stamping of events to speed post-event analysis, as well as IntelliRupter location data to help you maintain your graphical information system.

The control group is available with or without IntelliTEAM II software, and with a wide range of radios, including S&C’s new SpeedNetTM Radio. Only SpeedNet Radio has the speed and bandwidth required for S&C’s innovative IntelliTEAM IIITM Automatic Protection and Restoration System, now under development. IntelliTEAM III will provide fully coordinated protection regardless of the number of line segments or complexity of circuit ties.

With SpeedNet Radio, system operation checks, diagnostics, downloads of logs and oscillography data . . . even uploads of new software can be accomplished over the air—all but eliminating costly field visits to IntelliRupter after it has been installed.

Easy Operation

The control group is easy to configure before installation. And it’s just as easy to configure and operate after installation, from the safety and security of your vehicle parked near IntelliRupter. Just establish the secure WiFi connection using your laptop computer and you’re ready to go. You can open and close IntelliRupter, set hot-line tags, and change protection profiles by means of the wireless link.

Detailed logs, oscillography data, and other operational information can be accessed and transferred quickly and easily over the wireless link. Software upgrades too. If a PC isn’t available, IntelliRupter can be opened and closed and hot-line tags set using a hookstick, from the ground or a bucket truck.

A memory module, installed in the base, backs up configuration data and site-specific information such as the device identifier, sensor calibration data, and operation counter reading.

Government-Grade Security

IntelliRupter features the latest 128-bit encryption technology from WiFi Protected Access Version 2. WPA2 provides government-grade security through the National Institute of Standards and Technology FIPS 140-2 compliant AES encryption algorithm.

Additional S&C features—some of which are patent-pending—have created a unique security system that is easy to use, yet extremely difficult to circumvent:

  • Each time a connection is initiated from a user’s computer, a time-stamped sequence number is generated. This sequence number can never be reused, thus preventing a “playback attack” in which a hacker records a wireless message and subsequently plays it back.
  • The authenticity of both the computer and the WiFi module are verified using dual asymmetric “public key/ private key” pairs known as RSA encryption. When a message in encrypted with a public key, it can only be decrypted by another device that has the associated private key. Not even the computer that encrypted the message can decrypt it. One key pair authenticates the computer, another authenticates the WiFi module.
  • WiFi transmission is turned off—maintaining total radio silence—until a specific message is received, incorporating an encrypted version of the IntelliRupter’s serial number along the appropriate time-stamped sequence number. The WiFi module thus will not appear in the list of available networks during a network scan. And the WiFi module will not reply to probe requests . . . only a properly constructed access request from an authenticated computer.
  • When the WiFi module acknowledges a connection, it generates an AES session key which is securely passed to the computer using RSA encryption. Only that specific computer can decrypt the 128-bit session key. The session key provides authorization to start the connection process.
  • Once established, the WiFi link is direct. There’s no Internet connection or routing to attract hackers.
  • The WiFi module maintains access logs and, if a replay attempt is made, it will generate an intrusion alarm point in DNP.
  • All unused ports, addresses, interfaces, and other “back doors,” if any, are disabled.